Account Policies

This section of our Information Resource Center will explain in more detail our account policies and procedures.

New Customer Information/Credit Application

Please fill out this credit application as completely as possible, missing or incomplete information may delay the account set up process, sign and return it along with a copy of your State Tax Exempt Certificate. The State Tax Exempt Certificate is required by Multi-Fab to avoid charging tax on orders. If you have any questions, please contact Multi-Fab's Accounting Department and they will be happy to address your concerns. Please return this application and any supporting documents to

Product Warranty Policy

Updated April 2021

All products manufactured and sold by Multi-Fab Products, LLC has a limited one year warranty with a number of provisions.

Purchase Policy

All orders must carry a minimum value of $25 net price. If the order is for less we will add a handling charge which will increase the order value to $25.

Ship Complete and Partial Shipment Policy

When you place an order, you will have the option to have your items ship complete or as a partial for UPS orders only. Selecting ship complete will consolidate your order into as few shipments as possible. Your items may take longer to ship, depending on their availability. Items listed as Backorder in checkout can potentially delay your shipment when selecting ship complete.

By selecting Partial Shipments your items will ship as soon as they are available. You will not be charged any additional shipping charges if you select Partial Shipments.